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米Stereogumが「2017年の年間ベスト・メタルアルバム TOP40」を発表

2017/12/13 05:56掲載
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Krallice / Go Be Forgotten
Krallice / Go Be Forgotten
米国の音楽サイトStereogumが「2017年の年間ベスト・メタルアルバム TOP40」を発表

40 Sarcasm - Within The Sphere Of Ethereal Minds (Dark Descent)
39 Pillorian - Obsidian Arc (Eisenwald Tonschmiede)
38 Deletere - Per Aspera Ad Pestilentiam (Sepulchral Productions)
37 Ingurgitating Oblivion - Vision Wallows In Symphonies Of Light (Willowtip)
36 Jute Gyte - Oviri (Jeshimoth)
35 Vanum - Burning Arrow (Profound Lore)
34 Dodechahedron - Kwintessens (Season Of Mist)
33 Necrot - Blood Offerings (Tankcrimes)
32 Au Dessus - End Of Chapter (Les Acteurs De L’Ombre)
31 Arkhtinn - V (Fallen Empire)

30 Demonic Death Judge - Seaweed (Suicide)
29 Heretoir - The Circle (Northern Silence)
28 Gigan - Undulating Waves Of Rainbiotic Iridescence (Willowtip)
27 Condor - Unstoppable Power (High Roller)
26 With The Dead - Love From With The Dead (Rise Above)
25 Pallbearer - Heartless (Profound Lore)
24 Paradise Lost - Medusa (Nuclear Blast)
23 Turia - Dede Kondre (Altare Productions)
22 Unearthly Trance - Stalking The Ghost (Relapse)
21 Chaos Moon - Eschaton Memoire (Blood Music)

20 Psudoku - Deep Space Psudokument (PSUDOKU)
19 Grift - Arvet (Nordvis)
18 Jassa - Incarnation Of The Higher Gnosis (Fallen Empire)
17 Verge - The Process Of Self-Becoming (I, Voidhanger)
16 Yellow Eyes - Immersion Trench Reverie (Sibir)
15 Tchornobog - Tchornobog (I, Voidhanger)
14 Hell - Hell (LowerYourHead)
13 Elder - Reflections of a Floating World (Stickman)
12 Sabbath Assembly - Rites Of Passage (Svart)
11 No Faith - Forced Subservience (Iron Lung Records)

10 Couch Slut - Contempt (Gilead Media)

9 Morbid Angel - Kingdoms Disdained (Silver Lining Music)

8 Locust Leaves - A Subtler Kind Of Light (I, Voidhanger)

7 Succumb - Succumb (The Flenser)

6 Kairon; IRSE! - Ruination (Svart)

5 Violet Cold - Anomie (Tridroid/Folkvangr)

4 Rope Sect - Personae Ingratae (Caligari)

3 Cleric - Retrocausal (Web Of Mimicry)

2 Artificial Brain - Infrared Horizon (Profound Lore)

1 Krallice - Prelapsarian / Loum / Go Be Forgotten (Gilead Media)
