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米SPINが「2017年の年間ベスト・メタル・ソング TOP25」を発表

2017/12/12 17:19掲載
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Power Trip / Nightmare Logic
Power Trip / Nightmare Logic
米国の音楽誌/サイトSPINが「2017年の年間ベスト・メタル・ソング TOP25」を発表

25. Tomb Mold, “Primordial Malignity”
24. Spectral Voice, “Thresholds Beyond”
23. With Our Arms to the Sun, “Homebound: March of the Trees”
22. Pyrrhon, “The Happy Victim’s Creed”
21. Fall of Rauros, “Labyrinth Unfolding Echoes”

20. Zeal & Ardor, “Come On Down”
19. Ex Eye, “Opposition/Perihelion; The Coil”
18. Cavalera Conspiracy, “Spectral War”
17. Amenra, “A Solitary Reign”
16. Integrity, “Die With Your Boots On”
15. Converge, “Arkhipov Calm”
14. Uniform ? “Tabloid”
13. Spirit Adrift ? “Curse of Conception”
12. Power Trip, “Waiting Around to Die”
11. Code Orange, “Forever”

10. Sannhet, “Way Out”

9. Mastodon, “Steambreather”

8. Converge, “I Can Tell You About Pain”

7. Couch Slut, “Funeral Dyke”

6. Obituary, “Sentence Day”

5. Pallbearer, “I Saw The End”

4. Necrot, “The Blade”

3. Planning for Burial, “Whiskey and Wine”

2. Loss, “All Grows on Tears”

1. Power Trip, “Executioner’s Tax (Swing of the Axe)”
