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米Loudwireが「2017年の年間ベスト・メタル・アルバム TOP25」を発表

2017/11/28 07:07掲載(Last Update:2017/12/12 05:07)
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Power Trip / Nightmare Logic
Power Trip / Nightmare Logic
米ラウド/メタル系サイトLoudwireが「2017年の年間ベスト・メタル・アルバム TOP25」を発表

25. GWAR, 'The Blood of Gods'
24. Cradle of Filth, 'Cryptoriana - The Seductiveness of Decay'
23. Municipal Waste, 'Slime and Punishment'
22. Satyricon, 'Deep Calleth Upon Deep'
21. Obituary, 'Obituary'

20. With Our Arms to the Sun, 'Orenda'
19. God Mother, 'Vilseledd'
18. Cavalera Conspiracy, 'Psychosis'
17. Replacire, 'Do Not Deviate'
16. King Woman, 'Created in the Image of Suffering'
15. Trivium, 'The Sin and The Sentence'
14. Paradise Lost, 'Medusa'
13. Immolation, 'Atonement'
12. Elder, 'Reflections of a Floating World'
11. Body Count, 'Bloodlust'

10. Bell Witch, 'Mirror Reaper'

9. Converge, 'The Dusk in Us'

8. Cannibal Corpse, 'Red Before Black'

7. Enslaved, 'E'

6. Zeal & Ardor, 'Devil Is Fine'

5. Pallbearer, 'Heartless'

4. Dying Fetus, 'Wrong One to Fuck With'

3. Code Orange, 'Forever'

2. Mastodon, 'Emperor of Sand'

1. Power Trip, 'Nightmare Logic'

