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米クラシック・ロック系サイトが「最もユニークなビートルズ楽曲のカヴァー TOP10」を発表

2013/03/18 14:29掲載(Last Update:2013/03/18 14:43)
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Ultimate Classic Rock
Ultimate Classic Rock
米クラシック・ロック系サイトUltimate Classic Rockが「最もユニークなビートルズ楽曲のカヴァー TOP10」を発表

10. Because / Alice Cooper
From: 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Soundtrack' (1978)

9. It Won't Be Long / The Quick
From: 'Mondo Deco' (1976)

8. A Hard Day's Night / Mrs. Miller
From: 'Mrs. Miller's Greatest Hits' (1966)

7. Strawberry Fields Forever / Peter Gabriel
From: ' All This and World War II' (1976)

6. Tomorrow Never Knows / 801
From: '801 Live' (1976)

5. I Want To Hold Your Hand / Sparks
Single (1976)

4. It's For You / Three Dog Night
From: 'One' (1968)

3. Beyond the Valley of a Day in the Life / The Residents
From: 'The Beatles Play the Residents and the Residents Play the Beatles' (1977)

2. She Loves You / Peter Sellers
From: 'A Hard Days Night' (1965)

1. Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds / William Shatner
From: 'The Transformed Man' (1968)
