1. World Gone Mad 2. Icons of the New Days 3. Not in a Place Like This 4. When a Hero Takes a Fall 5. Forevermore 6. The Way I'll Remember 7. Fallin' 8. King's Reborn 9. Long Way to Go 10. The Edge of Darkness 11. Wait No Prayers for the Dyin 12. All I Have Left
13. フォーエヴァーモア (アコースティックver.) ※日本盤限定ボーナストラック
☆Bonus disc track listing (only available on CD/DVD deluxe edition and digital):
1. Innuendo (Bonus Track) 2. Only (Bonus Track) 3. Tears of the Dragon (Bonus Track) 4. Edge of the Blade (Bonus Track) 5. The Maker and the Storm (Bonus Track) 6. When Nothing Was Wrong (Bonus Track)