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ビートルズの「ベスト&ワースト・ソング TOP10」を米クラシック・ロック系サイトが発表

2014/02/09 22:27掲載
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米クラシック・ロック系サイトUltimate Classic Rockがビートルズ(Beatles)の「ベスト・ソング TOP50」と「ワースト・ソング TOP10」を発表

●「ベスト・ソング TOP50」

20. Come Together
From: 'Abbey Road' (1969)

19. Please Please Me
From: 1963 Single

18. A Hard Day's Night
From: 'A Hard Day's Night' (1964)

17. I Saw Her Standing There
From: 1963 Single

16. Eleanor Rigby
From: 1966 Single

15. Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
From: 'Rubber Soul' (1965)

14. She Loves You
From: 1963 Single

13. Help!
From: 1965 Single

12. Yesterday
From: 'Help!' (1965)

11. Hey Jude
From: 1968 Single

10. Ticket to Ride
From: 'Help!' (1965)

9. I Want to Hold Your Hand
From: 1963 single

8. Penny Lane
From: 1967 single

7. Something
From: 'Abbey Road' (1969)

6. Let It Be
From: 1970 single

5. In My Life
From: 'Rubber Soul' (1965)

4. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
From: 'The Beatles' (1968)

3. Abbey Road' Medley
From: 'Abbey Road' (1969)

2. Strawberry Fields Forever
From: 1967 single

1. A Day in the Life
From: 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' (1967)


●「ワースト・ソング TOP10」

10. Sun King
From: 'Abbey Road' (1969)

9. Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby
From: 'Beatles for Sale' (1964)

8. Dig It
From: 'Let It Be' (1970)

7. Don't Bother Me
From: 'With the Beatles' (1963)

6. Maggie Mae
From: 'Let It Be' (1970)

5. Boys
From: 'Please Please Me' (1963)

4. Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand
From: 1964 Single

3. Wild Honey Pie
From: 'The Beatles' (1968)

2. Flying
From: 'Magical Mystery Tour' (1967)

1. Revolution 9
From: 'The Beatles' (1968)
