Felt / Crumbling The Antiseptic Beauty [REMASTERED CD & 7″ VINYL BOX SET]
80年代に人気を博したインディーロック/ネオアコ/ギターポップ・バンド、フェルト(Felt)。初期スタジオ・アルバム5タイトルがリマスター再発決定。また中心人物ローレンス・ハワードによる現ユニット、ゴーカート・モーツァルト(Go-Kart Mozart)の新アルバムも同日に発売されます。発売は海外2018年2月23日。リリース元はCherry Red Records。
●Crumbling the Antiseptic Beauty (1982) ●The Splendour of Fear (1984) ●The Strange Idols Pattern and Other Short Stories (1984) ●Ignite the Seven Cannons (1985)
●Let the Snakes Crinkle Their Heads to Death (1986) →今回のリイシューより『The Seventeenth Century』にタイトル変更
またローレンスによるグラムロック/シンセポップ・プロジェクト、ゴーカート・モーツァルトの新アルバム『Mozart’s Mini Mart』は全17曲入り。新曲「When You're Depressed」のミュージックビデオが公開されています
●『Crumbling The Antiseptic Beauty』
[CD] 1. Evergreen Dazed 2. Fortune 3. Birdmen 4. Cathedral 5. I Worship The Sun 6. Templeroy
[7” vinyl single] Something Sends Me To Sleep / Something Sends Me To Sleep
●『The Splendour Of Fear』
[CD] 1. Red Indians 2. The World Is As Soft As Lace 3. The Optimist And The Poet 4. Mexican Bandits 5. The Stagnant Pool 6. A Preacher In New England
[7” vinyl single] Trails Of Colour Dissolve / My Face Is On Fire
●『The Strange Idols Pattern And Other Short Stories』 [CD] 1. Roman Litter 2. Sempiternal Darkness 3. Spanish House 4. Imprint 5. Sunlight Bathed The Golden Glow 6. Vasco Da Gama 7. Crucifix Heaven 8. Dismantled King Is Off The Throne 9. Crystal Ball 10. Whirlpool Vision Of Shame
[7” vinyl single] Penelope Tree / A Preacher In New England
●『Ignite The Seven Cannons』
[CD] 1. My Darkest Light Will Shine (remixed) 2. The Day The Rain Came Down (remixed) 3. Scarlet Servants (remixed) 4. I Don’t Know Which Way To Turn (remixed) 5. Primitive Painters 6. Textile Ranch 7. Black Ship In The Harbour (remixed) 8. Elegance In D 9. Caspian See (remixed) 10. Southern State Tapestry
[7” vinyl single] Mexican Bandits / The World Is As Soft As Lace
●『The Seventeenth Century』
[CD] 1. Song For William S. Harvey 2. Ancient City Where I Lived 3. Seventeenth Century 4. The Palace 5. Indian Scriptures 6. The Nazca Plain 7. Jewel Sky 8. Viking Dress 9. Voyage To Illumination 10. Sapphire Mansions
[7” vinyl single] Sunlight Bathed The Golden Glow / Sunlight Strings
●『Mozart’s Mini Mart』
1. Anagram Of We Sold Apes 2. When You’re Depressed 3. Relative Poverty 4. Zelda’s In The Spotlight 5. Big Ship 6. Nub-End In A Coke Can 7. A Black Hood On His Head 8. Facing The Scorn Of Tomorrow’s Generation 9. A New World 10. I’m Dope 11. Crokadile Rokstarz 12. Knickers On The Line By 3 Chord Fraud 13. Chromium-Plated We’re So Elated 14. Man Of Two Sides 15. Farewell To Tarzan Harvey 16. A Ding Ding Ding Ding Dong!! 17. Anagram 1st Prize Reprize