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「オーネット・コールマンのベスト・ソング 12選」をニューヨーク・タイムズが発表

2015/06/12 16:41掲載
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Ornette Coleman
Ornette Coleman
オーネット・コールマン(Ornette Coleman)のベスト・ソング 12選」をニューヨーク・タイムズのサイトが発表

“When Will the Blues Leave?” From “Something Else!!!!

“Turnaround” From “Tomorrow Is the Question!,”

“Lonely Woman” from “The Shape of Jazz to Come,”

“Ramblin’ ” from “Change of the Century,”

“Embraceable You”

“Free Jazz”

“Broadway Blues” From “New York Is Now,”

“What Reason Could I Give” From “Science Fiction,”

“All of My Life” From “Skies of America,”

“Theme From a Symphony (Variation One)”

“Word From Bird” From “Song X,”

“Sleep Talking” From “Sound Grammar,”
