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Therapy?の新作『A Brief Crack of Light』から先行シングルのPVが公開

2012/01/10 15:54掲載(Last Update:2012/01/10 15:55)
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Therapy? / A Brief Crack of Light
Therapy? / A Brief Crack of Light
北アイルランドのバンド、セラピー?(Therapy?)の新作『A Brief Crack of Light』(2/6発売)から先行シングル「Living In The Shadow Of A Terrible Thing」のPVが公開

●『A Brief Crack of Light』

01. Living In The Shadow Of The Terrible Thing
02. Plague Bell
03. Marlow
04. Before You, With You, After You
05. The Buzzing
06. Get Your Dead Hand Off My Shoulder
07. Ghost Trio
08. Why Turbulence?
09. Stark Raving Sane
10. Ecclesiastes