Martin Rossiter / Live at Bush Hall
マーティン・ロッシター(Martin Rossiter)がライヴCD+DVD作品『Live at Bush Hall』を海外で2月3日発売。
2013年にロンドンのBush Hallで行ったライヴの模様を収録。CD、DVDともに全15曲入り
●『Live at Bush Hall』
1. Three Points On a Compass
2. Darling Sorrow
3. London, Can You Wait?
4. My Heart's Designed for Pumping Blood
5. Let the Waves Carry You
6. Is It Over?
7. I Want to Choose When I Sleep Alone
8. I Must Be Jesus
9. Sing It Loud
10. Where There Are Pixels
11. Olympian
12. No One Left to Blame
13. Speak to Me Someone
14. Drop Anchor
15. I Can't Help Myself