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元ザ・ブルートーンズのマーク・モリスが新曲「This Is the Lie (And That's the Truth)」のPVを公開

2013/12/17 22:50掲載(Last Update:2014/01/21 15:41)
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Mark Morriss / This Is the Lie (And That's the Truth)
Mark Morriss / This Is the Lie (And That's the Truth)
2011年に解散した英バンドのザ・ブルートーンズ(Bluetones)。フロントマンであったマーク・モリス(Mark Morriss)が新曲「This Is the Lie (And That's the Truth)」のPVを公開。この曲は今月発売した新作EPのタイトル曲。なお、2014年2月24日にはソロ・アルバム『A Flash of Darkness』の発売も予定。アルバムのリリースは2008年の『Memory Muscle』以来

●『This Is the Lie (And That's the Truth)』

1. This Is the Lie (and That's The Truth)
2. Life Without F(r)iction (demo in A major)
3. The Boy In The Dress
4. Billionaire Boy
5. Mr Stink
6. Ratburger
7. Gangsta Granny
8. Demon Dentist

●『A Flash of Darkness』

1. A Flash Of Darkness
2. Consuela
3. Guilty Again
4. It’s Hard To Be Good All The Time
5. Pink Bullets
6. Low Company
7. Life Without F(r)iction
8. This Is The Lie (and That’s The Truth)
9. Space Cadet
10. Nightcall
11. Sleep Song

[Bonus Disc: This Is The Lie EP]
1. This Is The Lie (and That's The Truth)
2. Life Without F(r)iction (demo in A major)
3. The Boy In The Dress
4. Billionaire Boy
5. Mr Stink
6. Ratburger
7. Gangsta Granny
8. Demon Dentist