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ザ・キュアー 3時間越えのライヴで初ライヴ演奏楽曲ほか43曲をプレイ、映像がYouTube

2013/10/10 14:17掲載(Last Update:2013/10/10 17:22)
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The Cure
The Cure
サイトslicing up eyeballsによれば、ザ・キュアー(The Cure)が10月8日、計43曲3時間越えという長時間のライヴをメキシコで開催。当日は、初めてライヴで演じた「Stop Dead」のほか、29年ぶりの「Birdmad Girl」や26年ぶりの「Give Me It」など、非常に稀な楽曲も演じたとのこと。ファン撮影の映像あり

「Stop Dead」

「Birdmad Girl」


The Cure, Monterrey Arena, Monterrey, Mexico, 10/8/13

1. “Shake Dog Shake”
2. “Fascination Street”
3. “A Night Like This”
4. “The End of the World”
5. “Lovesong”
6. “Push”
7. “Inbetween Days”
8. “Just Like Heaven”
9. “From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea”
10. “Sinking”
11. “Pictures of You”
12. “Lullaby”
13. “High”
14. “Birdmad Girl”
15. “The Walk”
16. “Stop Dead”
17. “Sleep When I’m Dead”
18. “Mint Car”
19. “Friday I’m in Love”
20. “Doing the Unstuck”
21. “Bananafishbones”
22. “Want”
23. “The Hungry Ghost”
24. “Wrong Number”
25. “One Hundred Years”
26. “Give Me It”
27. “The Top”

28. “Treasure”
29. “Other Voices”
30. “Charlotte Sometimes”
31. “Play For Today”
32. “A Forest”

33. “Dressing Up”
34. “The Lovecats”
35. “Catch”
36. “The Caterpillar”
37. “Close To Me”
38. “Hot Hot Hot”
39. “Let’s Go To Bed”
40. “Why Can’t I Be You?”
41. “Boys Don’t Cry”
42. “10:15 Saturday Night”
43. “Killing An Arab”