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「PJハーヴェイのベスト・ソング TOP10」を米インディ・ロック系サイトが発表

2013/07/23 21:59掲載
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PJ Harvey
PJ Harvey
PJハーヴェイ(PJ Harvey)のベスト・ソング TOP10」を米インディ・ロック系サイトdiffuser.fmが発表

10. This Mess We're In (with Thom Yorke)
From: 'Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea' (2000)

9. Down by the Water
From: 'To Bring You My Love' (1995)

8. Rid of Me
From: 'Rid of Me' (1993)

7. Good Fortune
From: 'Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea' (2000)

6. Black Hearted Love
From: 'A Woman a Man Walked By' (2009)

5. A Perfect Day Elise
From: 'Is This Desire?' (1998)

4. Let England Shake
From: 'Let England Shake' (2011)

3. Sheela-Na-Gig
From: 'Dry' (1992)

2. A Place Called Home
From: 'Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea' (2000)

1. Happy and Bleeding
From: 'Dry' (1992)
