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「スーパートランプのベスト・ソング TOP10」を米クラシック・ロック系サイトが発表

2013/07/23 15:12掲載
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スーパートランプ(Supertramp)のベスト・ソング TOP10」を米クラシック・ロック系サイトUltimate Classic Rockが発表

10. Dreamer
From: 'Crime of the Century' (1974)

9. Breakfast in America
From: 'Breakfast in America' (1979)

8. Take the Long Way Home
From 'Breakfast in America' (1979)

7. Fool's Overture
From: 'Even in the Quietest Moments' (1977)

6. The Logical Song
From: 'Breakfast in America' (1979)

5. Sister Moonshine
From: 'Crisis? What Crisis?' (1975)

4. Goodbye Stranger
From: 'Breakfast in America' (1979)

3. School
From: 'Crime of the Century' (1974)

2. Bloody Well Right
From: 'Crime of the Century' (1974)

1. Give a Little Bit
From: 'Even in the Quietest Moments' (1977)
