エリック・カー(Eric Carr)の活躍が光る
キッス(KISS)楽曲のベスト・リスト「ERIC CARR KISS SONGS TOP 10」を米クラシック・ロック系サイトUltimate Classic Rockが発表
10. Carr Jam 1981
From 'Revenge' (1991)
9. Under the Rose
From 'Music from The Elder' (1981)
8. Saint and Sinner
From 'Creatures of the Night' (1982)
7. No, No, No
From 'Crazy Nights' (1987)
6. King of the Mountain
From 'Asylum' (1985)
5. Under the Gun
From 'Animalize' (1984)
4. I Love It Loud
From 'Creatures of the Night' (1982)
3. All Hell's Breakin' Loose
From 'Lick It Up' (1983)
2. Heaven's on Fire
From 'Animalize' (1984)
1. Little Caesar
From 'Hot in the Shade' (1989)