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Magma / Une histoire de Mekanïk – 50 Years of Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh
Magma / Une histoire de Mekanïk – 50 Years of Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh
フランスのプログレッシブロックバンド、マグマ(Magma)が1973年にリリースした通算3作目のスタジオ・アルバム『Mëkanïk Dëstruktïẁ Kömmandöh(邦題:呪われし地球人たちへ)』。数あるマグマ作品の中でも最高傑作の呼び声が高い本作の発売50周年を記念したアナログレコード7枚組のボックスセット『Une histoire de Mekanïk – 50 Years of Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh』が海外で10月6日発売。リリース元はバンドのレーベルSeventh Records。


バンドのリーダー、クリスチャン・ヴァンデは本作について「このボックス・セットで、私たちの最も象徴的な作品の真髄に触れ、この50年間の変遷を追ってほしいと思っています。『Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandoh』を初めて演奏したとき、50年以上経った今でもこのアルバムを演奏してほしいと思ってもらえるとは、夢にも思いませんでした。このアニヴァーサリーは祝うに値するものであり、このエディションは私たちにとっても贈り物である」とコメントしています。

■Seventh Records 公式ショップサイト
■『Une histoire de Mekanïk – 50 Years of Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh』

LP 1 - 1972 – Paris ORTF
This is definitely one of the first recorded live versions of MDK; and it might even be the first – if anybody could exactly remember this after 50 years. At that time, the masterpiece was still a work in progress.

LP 2 - 1973 – Choeurs de la Storchhaus`
This studio recording can be regarded as a demo and it features the choir that played MDK live at the SIGMA festival in November 1972. It was first released on CD in 1989 and now appears for the first time on vinyl.

LP 3 - Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh (original version)
Despite more than 30 published studio and live recordings, many consider this album to represent Magma’s ultimate masterpiece. At the time, Christian Vander had taken the artistic destiny of the French band fully into his hands. The most striking development was the massive impact of the vocalists and choir. This classic was carefully remastered for this edition.

LP 4 - (Side 1) 1994 – Les voix de Magma
This previously unreleased track was recorded live with the addition of a 60-piece choir.

LP 4 - (Side 2) 1995 – Babyaga la sorcière
This surprising adaptation of MDK was recorded at the Espace Lumière in Epinay-sur-Seine, France on October 15, 1995 during the second concert celebrating Magma’s 25th birthday. It features an impressive choir of children and an instrumental ensemble of teenagers. It was released on CD in 1996, but never before on vinyl.

LP 5 - 2000 – Paris Trianon Theater
This version was recorded in Paris at the Theatre du Trianon during Magma’s 30th anniversary celebration and was previously only released on CD as part of a box set in 2001.

LP 6 - 2005 – Paris Le Triton
During May 2005, Magma booked the club Le Triton in Paris, changed their programme each week, and brought illustrious past members back to the stage to perform with them. On this recording from May 21, Christian Vander was reunited with legendary bass player Jannick Top. Previously only appearing on DVD, this is the first audio only release of this remarkable event.

LP 7 - 2021 – Opéra de Rennes
This previously unreleased version captures the new Magma line-up, which is more vibrant than ever!