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ホークウインドのライヴ盤『Space Ritual』50周年記念 11枚組ボックスセット発売

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Hawkwind / Space Ritual 50th Anniversary
Hawkwind / Space Ritual 50th Anniversary
英国のサイケデリック・ロック/スペース・ロック・バンド、ホークウインド(Hawkwind)が1973年にリリースしたライヴ・アルバム『Space Ritual』。発売50周年を記念した11枚組ボックスセット『Space Ritual 50th Anniversary』が海外で9月29日発売。リイシュー元はCherry Red/Atomhenge。



さらに、5.1サラウンド・サウンド・ミックスと新しいステレオ・ミックスも収録されており、「Brainstorm」と「Time We Left This World Today」の完全未編集ヴァージョン、そしてアンコールの「You Shouldn't Do That」も収録されています。

またボックスには、書き下ろしエッセイ含む68ページのイラスト・ブックや、貴重な『Space Ritual』ポスター形式のツアー・プログラムのレプリカも付属されます。

■『Space Ritual 50th Anniversary』

●Disc One: “Space Ritual” The original album re-mastered

1. Earth Calling (Original album mix)

2. Born to Go (Original album mix)

3. Down Through the Night (Original album mix)

4. The Awakening (Original album mix)

5. Lord of Light (Original album mix)

6. Black Corridor (Original album mix)

7. Space is Deep (Original album mix)

8. Electronic No. 1 (Original album mix)

●Disc Two: “Space Ritual” The original album re-mastered

1. Orgone Accumulator (Original album mix)

2. Upside Down (Original album mix)

3. 10 Seconds of Forever (Original album mix)

4. Brainstorm (Original album mix)

5. Seven by Seven (Original album mix)

6. Sonic Attack (Original album mix)

7. Time We Left This World Today (Original album mix)

8. Master of the Universe (Original album mix)

9. Welcome to the Future (Original album mix)

●Disc Three: Liverpool Stadium 22nd December 1972 New mix – previously unreleased

1. Earth Calling (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

2. Born to Go (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

3. Down Through the Night (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

4. The Awakening (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

5. Lord of Light (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

6. Black Corridor (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

7. Space is Deep (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

8. Electronic No. 1 (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

9. Orgone Accumulator (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

10. Upside Down (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

●Disc Four: Liverpool Stadium 22nd December 1972 New mix – previously unreleased

1. 10 Seconds of Forever (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

2. Brainstorm (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

3. Seven by Seven (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

4. Sonic Attack (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

5. Time We Left This World Today (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

6. Master of the Universe (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

7. Welcome to the Future (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

8. You Shouldn’t Do That (Liverpool 22.12.1972)

●Disc Five: Locarno Sunderland 23rd December 1972 New mix – previously unreleased

1. Earth Calling (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

2. Born to Go (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

3. Down Through the Night (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

4. The Awakening (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

5. Lord of Light (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

6. Black Corridor (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

7. Space is Deep (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

8. Electronic No. 1 (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

9. Orgone Accumulator (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

10. Upside Down (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

●Disc Six: Locarno Sunderland 23rd December 1972 New mix – previously unreleased

1. 10 Seconds of Forever (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

2. Brainstorm (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

3. Seven by Seven (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

4. Sonic Attack (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

5. Time We Left This World Today (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

6. Master of the Universe (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

7. Welcome to the Future (Sunderland 23.12.1972)

●Disc Seven:

Brixton Sundown, London 30th December 1972

Earth Calling
Born to Go
Down Through the Night
The Awakening
Lord of Light
Black Corridor
Space is Deep
Electronic No. 1
Orgone Accumulator

●Disc Eight:

Brixton Sundown, London 30th December 1972

Seven by Seven
Sonic Attack
Time We Left This World Today
Master of the Universe
Welcome to the Future
You Shouldn’t Do That

●Disc Nine: Space Ritual 50th Anniversary Stereo Remix by Stephen W Tayler

1. Earth Calling (new stereo mix)

2. Born to Go (new stereo mix)

3. Down Through the Night (new stereo mix)

4. The Awakening (new stereo mix)

5. Lord of Light (new stereo mix)

6. Black Corridor (new stereo mix)

7. Space is Deep (new stereo mix)

8. Electronic No. 1 (new stereo mix)

9. Orgone Accumulator (new stereo mix)

10. Upside Down (new stereo mix)

●Disc Ten: Space Ritual 50th Anniversary Stereo Remix by Stephen W Tayler

1. 10 Seconds of Forever (new stereo mix)

2. Brainstorm (new stereo mix)

3. Seven by Seven (new stereo mix)

4. Sonic Attack (new stereo mix)

5. Time We Left This World Today (new stereo mix)

6. Master of the Universe (new stereo mix)

7. Welcome to the Future (new stereo mix)

8. You Shouldn’t Do That (new stereo mix)

●Disc Eleven: Blu-ray
Space Ritual 96 kHz / 24-bit 5.1 mix & new stereo mix By Stephen W Tayler

1. Earth Calling (5.1 Surround mix)

2. Born to Go (5.1 Surround mix)

3. Down Through the Night (5.1 Surround mix)

4. The Awakening (5.1 Surround mix)

5. Lord of Light (5.1 Surround mix)

6. Black Corridor (5.1 Surround mix)

7. Space is Deep (5.1 Surround mix)

8. Electronic No. 1 (5.1 Surround mix)

9. Orgone Accumulator (5.1 Surround mix)

10. Upside Down (5.1 Surround mix)

11. 10 Seconds of Forever (5.1 Surround mix)

12. Brainstorm (5.1 Surround mix)

13. Seven by Seven (5.1 Surround mix)

14. Sonic Attack (5.1 Surround mix)

15. Time We Left This World Today (5.1 Surround mix)

16. Master of the Universe (5.1 Surround mix)

17. Welcome to the Future (5.1 Surround mix)

18. You Shouldn’t Do That (5.1 Surround mix)