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キング・クリムゾン『Music Is Our Friend - Live In Washington and Albany, 2021』ストリーミング配信開始

2021/11/19 00:40掲載
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King Crimson / Music Is Our Friend - Live In Washington and Albany, 2021
King Crimson / Music Is Our Friend - Live In Washington and Albany, 2021
キング・クリムゾン(King Crimson)の最新ライヴ・アルバム『Music Is Our Friend - Live In Washington and Albany, 2021』がストリーミング配信開始。


■『Music Is Our Friend - Live In Washington and Albany, 2021』

CD One
1. Introductory Soundscape
2. The Hell Hounds Of Krim
3. Larks' Tongues In Aspic Part I
4. Pictures Of A City
5. The Court Of The Crimson King
6. Red
7. Tony Cadenza Deals It Slitheryacious-To-The-Max
8. Neurotica
9. One More Red Nightmare
10. Indiscipline

CD Two
1. Epitaph
2. Radical Action II
3. Level Five
4. Starless
5. 21st Century Schizoid Man
6. Tony Cadenza Serves It Piping Hot
7. Discipline
8. Larks' Tongues In Aspic Part II
9. Islands