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「R.E.M.の各スタジオ・アルバムで最も過小評価されている曲」 Ultimate Classic Rock発表

2021/08/10 17:06掲載
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「R.E.M.の各スタジオ・アルバムで最も過小評価されている曲」を米クラシック・ロック系サイトUltimate Classic Rockが発表

From: Chronic Town (1982)

●"Moral Kiosk"
From: Murmur (1983)

●"Letter Never Sent"
From: Reckoning (1984)

From: Fables of the Reconstruction (1985)

●"What If We Give It Away?"
From: Lifes Rich Pageant (1986)

●"Wind Out"
From: Dead Letter Office (1987)

From: Document (1987)

●"The Wrong Child"
From: Green (1988)

●"Radio Song"
From: Out of Time (1991)

●"Monty Got a Raw Deal"
From: Automatic for the People (1992)

●"Star 69"
From: Monster (1994)

●"Binky the Doormat"
From: New Adventures in Hi-Fi (1996)

From: Up (1998)

●"Beat a Drum"
From: Reveal (2001)

●"Around the Sun"
From: Around the Sun (2003)

From: Accelerate (2008)

From: Collapse Into Now (2011)
