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マイ・ケミカル・ロマンスのジェラルド・ウェイ 未発表ソロ曲4曲を公開

2020/04/05 11:18掲載
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Gerard Way
Gerard Way
マイ・ケミカル・ロマンス(My Chemical Romance)のシンガー、ジェラルド・ウェイ(Gerard Way)は、これまでにリリースされていないソロ曲4曲を自身のSoundCloudページにて公開しています。

ジェラルドはInstagramの投稿で、これら楽曲は最終的にシングルとしてリリースするつもりで取り組んでいたものですが、正式なリリースには至らないかもしれないので公開したと話しています。「やあ、みんな、すべてが不安定ななか、未発表のものをアップロードしたいと思ったんだ。みんながチェックできるように、そして何かを聴けるように。共有したい気分だった」「僕はこの全ての曲を“Distraction Or Despair”と呼んでいるんだけど、それは僕がいつもその間を行き来しているように見えるからね。おそらく他の多くの人もそう呼んでいるだろうね。僕はただそれをカジュアルにしているだけだよ」と投稿しています


Hey all, with all this uncertainty I just wanted to start uploading some unreleased stuff. Just so people can check it out and have something to listen to. Just felt like sharing. I think I have a bunch of this stuff, as Doug and I have been recording little bits here and there over the years. Some of these, like Phoning It In, were things that I planned on releasing as singles, and I may still do that at some point when I finish them, but I figured why not. It feels good to share. Who knows if some of this stuff would have ever come out? Oh yeah, the music is on my soundcloud, which I haven’t really used in ages. The link is in my linktree, along with a link to the Covid-19 Response Fund. In case you are wondering, this is a picture of my vocal cords, from when I went to see the ear/nose/throat doc before embarking on this my chem journey, to make sure everything was in order. He said, “It’s a little red, but looking good”. I’m calling all of this stuff Distraction Or Despair, since that seems to be the two things I keep shifting between. Probably a lot of other people too. But I think only some of the tracks are tied to an “album” of that name. I’m just winging it, keeping it casual. May add some notes to the tracks. Hope everyone is safe and healthy. Rock on.

Gerard Way(@gerardway)がシェアした投稿 -