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ゲイリー・ニューマン『Replicas』&『The Pleasure Principle』40周年記念盤発売、初期ヴァージョン集

2019/08/27 16:56掲載
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Gary Numan / Replicas - The First Recordings、The Pleasure Principle - The First Recordings
Gary Numan / Replicas - The First Recordings、The Pleasure Principle - The First Recordings
ゲイリー・ニューマン(Gary Numan)が1979年にリリースした初期アルバム2タイトル。発売40周年を記念した40thアニヴァーサリー・エディションが発売決定。

対象となるのは、ゲイリー・ニューマンが組んだグループ、チューブウェイ・アーミー(Tubeway Army)のアルバム『Replicas』と、ゲイリー・ニューマンのソロデビューアルバム『The Pleasure Principle』の計2タイトル。

40thアニヴァーサリー・エディションはCD、アナログレコードともに2枚組。アナログ盤はカラーヴァイナルで、『Replicas』はセージ・グリーン、『The Pleasure Principle』はオレンジです。

今回エディションはそれぞれ『Replicas - The First Recordings』『The Pleasure Principle - The First Recordings』というタイトルでリリースされます。


『Replicas - The First Recordings』『The Pleasure Principle - The First Recordings』は海外で10月11日発売。リイシュー元はBeggars Banquet

■『Replicas - The First Recordings』

■『The Pleasure Principle - The First Recordings』

■『Replicas - The First Recordings』

●CD - Disc 1:

1. You Are In My Vision (early version)
2. The Machmen (early version)
3. Down In The Park (early version)
4. Do You Need The Service? (early version)
5. The Crazies
6. When The Machines Rock (early version)
7. Me! I Disconnect From You (early version)
8. Praying To The Aliens (early version)
9. It Must Have Been Years (early version)
10. Only A Downstat
11. I Nearly Married A Human 3 (early version)
12. Replicas (early version)
13. Are 'Friends' Electric? (early version)

CD - Disc 2:

1. Replicas (early version 2)
2. Down In The Park (early version 2)
3. Are 'Friends' Electric? (early version 2)
4. We Have A Technical
5. Replicas (early version 3)
6. Me! I Disconnect From You (BBC Peel session)
7. Down In The Park (BBC Peel session)
8. I Nearly Married a Human (BBC Peel session)

●Vinyl - Green 2xLP:

A1. You Are In My Vision (early version)
A2. The Machmen (early version)
A3. Down In The Park (early version)
A4. Do You Need The Service? (early version)
A5. The Crazies
A6. When The Machines Rock (early version)
B1. Me! I Disconnect From You (early version)
B2. Praying To The Aliens (early version)
B3. It Must Have Been Years (early version)
B4. Only A Downstat
B5. I Nearly Married A Human 3 (early version)
C1. Replicas (early version)
C2. Are 'Friends' Electric? (early version)
C3. We Have A Technical
C4. Down In The Park (outtake mix)
D1. Are 'Friends' Electric? (early version 2)
D2. Replicas (early version 2)
D3. Me! I Disconnect From You (BBC Peel session)
D4. Down In The Park (BBC Peel session)
D5. I Nearly Married a Human (BBC Peel session)

■『The Pleasure Principle - The First Recordings』

●CD - Disc 1:

1. Cars (demo version 2)
2. Films (demo version)
3. Complex (demo version)
4. Random (remastered 2009)
5. M.E. (demo version)
6. Conversation (demo version 2)
7. Tracks (demo version) *
8. Cars (demo version 1) *
9. Metal (demo version)
10. Airlane (demo version)
11. Trois Gymnopédies No.1 (demo version)
12. Observer (demo version)
13. Conversation (demo version 1)
14. Engineers (demo version)
15. Asylum (remastered 2009)
16. Oceans (remastered 2009)
17. Photograph (remastered 2009)

●CD - Disc 2:

1. Airlane (BBC Peel session)
2. Cars (BBC Peel session)
3. Films (BBC Peel session)
4. Conversation (BBC Peel session)
5. Tracks (outtake mix)
6. Complex (outtake mix) *
7. M.E. (outtake mix)
8. Engineers (outtake mix) *
9. Airlane (outtake mix) *
10. Cars (outtake mix) *

●Vinyl - Orange 2xLP:

A1. Cars (demo version 2)
A2. Films (demo version)
A3. Complex (demo version)
A4. Random (remastered 2009)
A5. M.E. (demo version)
B1. Conversation (demo version 2)
B2. Tracks (demo version) *
B3. Cars (demo version 1) *
B4. Metal (demo version)
B5. Airlane (demo version)
C1. Gymnopédie No.1 (remastered 2009)
C2. Observer (demo version)
C3. Conversation (demo version 1)
C4. Engineers (demo version)
C5. Asylum (remastered 2009
C6. Oceans (remastered 2009)
C7. Photograph (remastered 2009)
D1. Airlane (BBC Peel session)
D2. Cars (BBC Peel session)
D3. Films (BBC Peel session)
D4. Conversation (BBC Peel session)

* previously unreleased