THE SYNTH HERO SHOW - Daniel Miller: Synth Hero Mix
ミュート・レコード(Mute Records)の創始者
ダニエル・ミラー(Daniel Miller)が1時間のミックス音源「Synth Hero Mix」を公開。英ロンドン拠点のネットラジオ局NTS Radioの番組『THE SYNTH HERO SHOW』に提供したミックス。同番組には毎回、影響力のあるエレクトロニック・ミュージシャンが、自身の好きなエレクトロニック・ミュージックをフィーチャーしたミックスを提供しています。ダニエル・ミラーは
クラウス・シュルツェ(Klaus Schulze)、
キャバレー・ヴォルテール(Cabaret Voltaire)、
DAF(Deutsch Amerikanischen Freundschaft)、
ファド・ガジェット(Fad Gadget)他をセレクト。オンエア音源あり
[song list+ダニエル・ミラーのコメント]
●Satz: Ebene - Klaus Schulze
From his debut album, Irrlicht, from 1972. The ultimate drone record, has to be played very loud in headphoners as I did many times when it came out in 1972, and for many years after.
●Radioactivity – Kraftwerk
I don’t think anything needs to be said on the importance of Kraftwerk and their influence both on the future of music and on me personally. Difficult to choose one track, but I chose this because in my opinion the album Radio-Activity is the most conceptually coherent of all their conceptually coherent albums!
●Gerry & The Holograms - Gerry & The Holograms
Featuring CP Lee from Alberto y Lost Trios Paranoias, this is one of a number of late 70s post punk synth experiments which gave me, and a lot of other people, the energy to keep going.
●D’ya Think I’m Sexy - Hybrid Kids
More late 70s homemade experimental electronic music, thankfully with a sense of humour. The main perpetrator was Morgan Fisher who was the originally the keyboard player in the 60s pop band, The Love Affair. He went on to make a number of extraordinary experimental albums. Under-recognised and underrated.
●Holland Tunnel Dive – ImpLOG
Dark New York late 70s, with a touch of sax. Amazing atmosphere created on this time and everytime I go down through the Holland Tunnel, I hum the track to myself.
●Do The Mussolini (Headkick) - Cabaret Voltaire
I’m choosing a lot of late 70s music because it was such an inspiring time and it was the beginning of a musical revolution - this is very much part of that. And of course, the sentiment of the lyrics I support fully, not that I’m a violent person!
●Der Mussolini – DAF
DAF hold a special place in my heart. They were the first band to release an album on Mute, Die Kleinen und Die Bosen. This isn’t from that album, but it’s a truly wonderful classic.
●Los Niños Del Parque - Liaisons Dangereuses
Featuring Chrislo Haas, the original synth player with DAF, who was in my option a true electronic music genius. Again, under-recognised and sadly under-productive. Also features Beate Bartel, from the Berlin group, Mania D.
●Day Breaks, Night Heals - Robert Rental, Thomas Leer
Two more late 70s DIY pioneers. I had the pleasure of knowing both and played live with Robert as Robert Rental & The Normal on a number of crazy occasions.
●Mechanical Man - DEVO
Before DEVO became pop stars, they released a number of what I felt to be really interesting 7”s and this track is one of them.
●O Superman – Laurie Anderson
Although this is now a staple of electronic music, I will never forget the day someone brought the 7” into Rough Trade to play it for the first time. A truly remarkable track, and the fact that it went on to be a number one hit single makes it even more important.
●Back To Nature - Fad Gadget
This was the first release after my own 7” single release [The Normal TVOD / Warm Leatherette] and marked the beginning of Mute as a label. This track has a very special place in my heart.