Def Leppard - Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’s 2019 inductees
3月29日にブルックリンのバークレイズ・センターで行われた、2019年<ロックの殿堂(The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame)>の式典。この模様は米HBOで4月27日放送。トレーラー映像が公開されています
■殿堂入りアーティスト:ザ・キュアー プレゼンター:ナイン・インチ・ネイルズのトレント・レズナー
Congratulations to @TheCure on their induction. We're excited to welcome the post-punk innovators to the Hall of Fame and celebrate with fans. Find bios, special ticket access info, official merch + more here:
Congratulations to @JanetJackson on her induction. We are excited to share the joy and celebrate with Ms. Jackson and all of her fans. Head to our website for bios, special ticket access info, official merch + more:
Congratulations @StevieNicks - on your induction and for becoming the first ever two-time female Inductee into the Hall of Fame. We're excited to welcome you back. Fans, head to our website for bios, special ticket access info, official merch + more:
Congratulations to @Radiohead on their induction. We're excited to welcome the digital pioneers of the underground to the Hall of Fame and celebrate with fans. Head to our website for bios, special ticket access info, official merch + more:
Congratulations to first-time Nominees #RoxyMusic on their induction. Celebrate with us and the experimental rock and rollers as we welcome the group into the Hall of Fame. Head to our website for bios, special ticket access info, official merch + more:
Congratulations to @TheZombiesMusic on their induction. We're excited to welcome the British rockers to the Hall of Fame and celebrate with fans. Head to our website for bios, special ticket access info, official merch + more: