Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Spotify Singles - Christmas
ジョーン・ジェット&ザ・ブラックハーツ、トニー・ベネット&ダイアナ・クラール、ペール・ウェーヴス、ジョン・レジェンド、ジム・ジェイムズ、アンダーソン・パーク、アーロー・ブラックら計15組が、Spotifyオリジナル・セッション・シリーズのクリスマス編「Spotify Singles - Christmas」に参加。ぞれぞれクリスマス曲1曲をレコーディングし、Spotify限定で配信しています。
●Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
Little Drummer Boy - Recorded at Spotify Studios NYC
●トニー・ベネット, ダイアナ・クラール
Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town - Recorded At Spotify Studios NYC
Give Love on Christmas Day - Recorded at Spotify Studios NYC - Spotify Singles - Christmas
●Jim James
Oh My Christmas Tree - Recorded At Spotify Studios NYC
●Pale Waves
Last Christmas - Recorded at Metropolis Studios, London
Linus & Lucy - Recorded at Spotify Studios NYC
El Burrito Sabanero - Recorded at Spotify Studios NYC
White Christmas - Spotify Singles - Christmas, Recorded at Sound Stage Studios Nashville
●Paloma Faith, B.B. Bones
Baby It's Cold Outside - Spotify Singles - Christmas, Recorded at Metropolis Studios, London
●Nina Nesbitt
Oh Holy Night - Recorded at Metropolis Studios, London
●Why Don't We
Feliz Navidad - Recorded at Spotify Studios NYC
●Fenne Lily
In the Bleak Midwinter - Recorded at Metropolis Studios, London
●Jon Batiste
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (feat. Danielle Brooks) - Recorded At Spotify Studios NYC
●Devin Dawson
Christmas Time Is Here - Recorded at Sound Emporium Nashville
●Amy Helm, The Wood Brothers
Christmas Must Be Tonight - Recorded at Spotify Studios NYC