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2018/01/30 13:24掲載
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Billy Corgan, James Iha, Jimmy Chamberlin
Billy Corgan, James Iha, Jimmy Chamberlin
スマッシング・パンプキンズ(Smashing Pumpkins)ビリー・コーガン(Billy Corgan / William Patrick Corgan)が自身のInstagramページに「僕たちは現在リック・ルービンとスタジオにいる」と投稿し、リック・ルービン(Rick Rubin)とスタジオ入りしていることを明らかにしています。またビリーとドラマーのジミー・チェンバレン(Jimmy Chamberlin)は同じスタジオのドラムセットの写真を最近投稿。このことからコーガンが言う“僕たち”とは、スタジオに集結している写真がコーガンがInstagramページで先日公開されたビリー・コーガン、ジェームス・イハ(James Iha)、ジミー・チェンバレンを指していると海外メディアは伝えています。コーガンやチェンバレンは近年のインタビューでオリジナル・ラインナップでのリユニオンを示唆する発言をしていました。

なお、元メンバーのベーシスト、ダーシー・レッキー(D'arcy Wretzky)は米国の音楽サイトBlastEchoに、自身はリユニオンには不参加であることを伝えています。ダーシーは「バンドは別のベーシストと一緒に行くことを決めた」とも同サイトに伝えています

I've had a crazy life. Good crazy, but crazy nonetheless. For example. I saw this picture of myself the other day. Besides having a generally good idea of when it was taken (1993 or 1994) I don't remember actually taking the photo, nor do I remember countless others like it between the years 1991-2004. Now, perhaps that says something about my inability or desire to remember, but I'd argue it's an unfortunate result of the blur of those years. Which leads me to this time, or this moment, where like so many, I share a window (curated as it is) into my crazy life. As an example, we are currently in the studio with Rick Rubin. But unless I show you a picture of Rick sitting Buddha-like at a mixing desk, you probably wouldn't know that. Or when I, in a very naive way, post a shot with a needle in my arm and ramble on about making peace with God and time left on dear 'ol Earth, it sent some signal to friends and associates alike that I was sick or wanted other's sympathy. (As fact, it was an IV full of vitamins and homeopathy to assist in getting over this vicious flu). So yes, was sick, and no, not serious in any way nor would I share such info here because this window I'd prefer to be one where you see the sunlight streaming through. The only addendum to that is when I saw how others were reacting to their perception of my misguided and poorly worded message, I chose not to react in kind; in essence I let the shadows cast be whatever you-they-them want to believe. Because we live now in a world where perception often outweighs reality, and that's fine. So to that, here's a new pic I just took of me with my sandy-brown, curly hair flowing in the studio breeze. Lots of love, WPC #wpc

WilliamPatrickCorganさん(@williampcorgan)がシェアした投稿 -

A studio still life #art!

WilliamPatrickCorganさん(@williampcorgan)がシェアした投稿 -

New studio - same rock power.

Jimmy Chamberlinさん(@chamberdrums)がシェアした投稿 -