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キング・クリムゾン『太陽と戦慄』発売40周年記念盤 13CD+DVDオーディオ+Blu-rayボックスセットの詳細が明らかに

2012/08/20 12:57掲載
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King Crimson / Larks’ Tongues in Aspic
King Crimson / Larks’ Tongues in Aspic
キング・クリムゾン(King Crimson)の73年作『Larks' Tongues in Aspic(邦題:太陽と戦慄)』。海外で10月15日発売される発売40周年記念盤の13CD+DVDオーディオ+Blu-rayボックスセットの詳細が明らかに。

●『 Larks' Tongues In Aspic - 40th Anniversary Edition (limited edition box set)』

CD 1 & 2: October 13th 1972 Live at the Zoom Club, Frankfurt (audio restored bootleg)
Previously only available as KCCC20

CD 3: October 17th 1972 Live in the studio, Bremen (mono)
Previously only available as KCCC3

CD 4 & 5: November 10th 1972 Live at the Technical College, Hull (audio restored bootleg)
Previously only available as a download from DGMLive

CD 6: November 13th 1972 Live at the Civic Hall, Guildford (audio restored soundboard)
Previously only available as KCCC24

CD 7: November 25th 1972 Live at New Theatre, Oxford (audio restored bootleg)
Previously only available as a download from DGMLive

CD 8: December 1st 1972 Live at Green’s Playhouse, Glasgow, (audio restored bootleg)
Previously unreleased

CD 9: December 15th 1972 Live at the Guildhall, Portsmouth (audio restored bootleg)
Previously unreleased

CD 10: January 1973: “Keep That One, Nick” ? The Larks’ Tongues In Aspic Recording Session Reels: Taking the form of an audio documentary & placing the listener in Command studios in early 1973 as the quintet maps out the material destined for the album produced by David Singleton. Featuring first takes of every piece recorded for the album interspersed with studio talk between band members & engineer

CD 11: January/February 1973: The original album mix 30th Anniversary Edition, The US Promo EP (transferred from vinyl) and the US radio advert

CD 12: January/February 1973: Alt Mixes: Steven Wilson’s alternative Larks’ Tongues In Aspic plus David Singleton’s Session Reel Essentials

CD 13: January/February 1973: Larks’ Tongues In Aspic, new stereo mix, mixed by Steven Wilson and Robert Fripp

Disc 14: DVD-A: Complete album in 5.1 MLP Lossless & DTS Surround Sound album mix.

38 minutes film performance of the band never previously been released or screened, Original album 30th anniversary mix, 2012 alternate takes & mixes in 24/48 hi-res stereo, 2012 stereo mix in 24/48 & 24/96 hi-res stereo

Disc 15: Blu-Ray: Content as per DVD-A with all stereo gtracks in 24/96 hi-res plus hi-res stereo of “Keep That One Nick”, hi-res mono tracks “Live in the studio”, 24/96 transfer of original vinyl pressing, film footage of band performing “Larks’ Tongues In Aspic Part I” as originally broadcast on Beat Club TV programme


DVDオーディオには、5.1 new surround mix、オリジナル&ニュー・ステレオ・ミックスのハイレゾ音源を収録。新たなミックスはポーキュパイン・トゥリー(Porcupine Tree)スティーヴン・ウィルソン(Steven Wilson)が手掛けています。またDVDには38分の初出スタジオ・ライヴ映像も収められる予定です。
