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祝・ロックの殿堂入り、シカゴとスティーヴ・ミラーのベスト・ソング TOP10を米サイトUltimate Classic Rockが発表

2015/12/18 16:20掲載
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<ロックの殿堂(The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame)>入りが決定したシカゴ(Chicago)スティーヴ・ミラー(Steve Miller)。米クラシック・ロック系サイトUltimate Classic Rockでは、それを記念した「ベスト・ソング TOP10」を発表しています。


10. "Free"
From "Chicago III" (1970)

9. "Questions 67 and 68"
From: "Chicago Transit Authority" (1969)

8. "Feelin' Stronger Every Day"
From: "Chicago VI" (1973)

7. "A Hit By Varese"
From: "Chicago V" (1972)

6. "Saturday in the Park"
From: "Chicago V" (1972)

5. "Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?"
From: "Chicago Transit Authority" (1969)

4. "Dialogue Parts 1 & 2"
From: "Chicago V" (1972)

3. "Make Me Smile"
From: "Chicago" (1970)

2. "Beginnings"
From: "Chicago Transist Authority" (1969)

1. "25 Or 6 To 4"
From: "Chicago" (1970)



10. "Quicksilver Girl"
From: 'Sailor' (1968)

9. "Jackson-Kent Blues"
From: 'Number 5' (1970)

8. "Space Cowboy"
From: 'Brave New World' (1969)

7. "Jet Airliner"
From: 'Book of Dreams' (1977)

6. "Brave New World"
From: 'Brave New World' (1969)

5. "The Joker"
From: 'The Joker' (1973)

4. "Going to the Country"
From: 'Number 5' (1970)

3. "Fly Like an Eagle"
From: 'Fly Like an Eagle' (1976)

2. "Take the Money and Run"
From: 'Fly Like an Eagle' (1976)

1. "Living in the U.S.A."
From: 'Sailor' (1968)
