Yob / Clearing the Path to Ascend
米ローリングストーン誌が「2014年の年間ベスト・メタル・アルバム TOP20」を発表
20. Twilight, 'III: Beneath Trident's Tomb'
19. Krokodil, 'Nachash'
18. Slipknot, '.5: The Gray Chapter'
17. Ommadon, 'V'
16. Electric Wizard, 'Time to Die'
15. Tombs, 'Savage Gold'
14. Melvins, 'Hold It In'
13. Blut Aus Nord, 'Memoria Vetusta III - Saturnian Poetry'
12. The Austerity Program, 'Beyond Calculation'
11. Indian, 'From All Purity'
10. Body Count, 'Manslaughter'

9. Crowbar, 'Symmetry in Black'

8. Mastodon, 'Once More 'Round the Sun'

7. Godflesh, 'A World Lit Only by Fire'

6. Behemoth, 'The Satanist'

5. Scott Walker + SunnO))), 'Soused'

4. Old Man Gloom, 'The Ape of God'

3. At the Gates, 'At War with Reality'

2. Triptykon, 'Melana Chasmata'

1. Yob, 'Clearing the Path to Ascend'