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2013/12/22 00:44掲載
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●Dave Mustaine (Albums):

1. Black Sabbath, ’13′ – A great blend of nostalgia, social commentary, and Iommi’s signature sound.

2. Motörhead, ‘Aftershock’ – Another quintessential Motörhead album – gritty, rumbling, and unpretentious.

3. Killswitch Engage, ‘Disarm The Descent’ – They went through a frontman change while staying heavy, melodic, and keeping it packed with riffs.

4. Saxon, ‘Sacrifice’ – Loyal to the sound of the NWOBHM, but thrashier. Great vocals and production round out a great album.

5. Queensrÿche, ‘Queensrÿche’ – A return to their classic sound, powerful and unique.

●Shawn Drover (Albums):

1. Suffocation, ‘Pinnacle of Bedlam’ – Great brutal songs with an awesome production. I absolutely love this record.

2. Queensrÿche, ‘Queensrÿche’ – Easily, the best record Queensryche have made in over 20 years.

3. Saxon, ‘Sacrifice’ – I have no idea on how Biff sings better than he ever has, but he definitely does on this record.

4. Toxic Holocaust, ‘Chemistry of Consciousness’ – This is IMO, the best record Toxic Holocaust have done!!!!! Amazing.

5. Voivod, ‘Target Earth’ – Definitely the heaviest record Voivod has done in ages.

●David Ellefson (Albums):

1. Black Sabbath, ’13′

2. Motörhead, ‘Aftershock’

3. The Winery Dogs, ‘The Winery Dogs’

4. Soulfly, ‘Savages’

5. Volbeat, ‘Outlaw Gentlemen and Shady Ladies’

●Chris Broderick (Songs):

1. Twelve Foot Ninja, ‘Mother Sky’ – This song starts off with a heavy groove and then breaks down into an old school reggae feel sort of reminiscent of Mr. Bungle, all done really well.

2. Revocation, ‘Invidious’ – Killer guitar work with a great hook from an up and coming thrash metal band. Need I say more.

3. TesseracT, ‘Of Energy: I. Singularity’ – Djent with melodic vocals, killer guitar lines, and syncopated rhythms that come together to form a song that takes you on an emotional ride.

4. Alice in Chains, ‘Choke’ – I think it’s killer how AIC can write lyrics that are thought provoking and emotional at the same time and this song exemplifies that.

5. Born Of Osiris, ‘Imaginary Condition’ – This song is a killer mix of technical, heavy, and melodic concepts in metal in an almost movie score format. It’s a song you can lose yourself in.
