この投稿をInstagramで見る One Minute Portrait “Avishai Cohen” @avishaicohenmusic #avishaicohen #oneminuteportrait Since this is the final “One Minute Portrait”, I would like to take a moment to thank all the musicians who took part in this project for their inspiration and friendship. Thank you all for watching!! Now I will focus on my upcoming live shows and writing music longer than one minute. Hiromi(@hiromimusic)がシェアした投稿 - 2020年 8月月22日午前6時03分PDT
One Minute Portrait “Avishai Cohen” @avishaicohenmusic #avishaicohen #oneminuteportrait Since this is the final “One Minute Portrait”, I would like to take a moment to thank all the musicians who took part in this project for their inspiration and friendship. Thank you all for watching!! Now I will focus on my upcoming live shows and writing music longer than one minute.
Hiromi(@hiromimusic)がシェアした投稿 - 2020年 8月月22日午前6時03分PDT