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ダニー・エルフマン、自宅でオインゴ・ボインゴ「Running on a Treadmill」を再録音、演奏映像公開

2020/04/21 14:36掲載
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Danny Elfman
Danny Elfman
ティム・バートン(Tim Burton)監督作などで知られる音楽家のダニー・エルフマン(Danny Elfman)は、自宅で撮影したパフォーマンス映像を公開。曲は、彼がかつて率いたバンドのオインゴ・ボインゴ(Oingo Boingo)が1982年にリリースしたアルバム『Nothing to Fear』から「Running on a Treadmill」。再録音ヴァージョンを公開しています




ようやくみんなと共有できるようになった。バカバカしくてシンプルです。全てを演奏して、バッキングトラックに合わせて生で歌う。ファンキーだよ。僕のニューシングルでもないし、現在制作中のニューアルバムのためのものでもない。ちょっとしたことだけど、楽しくてリラックスできたし、もしかしたらあなたにも同じようなことができるかもしれないよ。完全に手作りです。娘がiPhoneで撮影してくれて、同郷のJon Mann Krieger(Danny and Buddy Showのコラボレーター)が編集してくれた。気に入ってもらえるといいんだけど”



When we started our isolation, I found myself out of sorts (like most of us surely did). My energy was very low. I had poured so much of myself into preparing for Coachella, and suddenly... nothing. Like everyone else, I was stunned and a little shell-shocked. I decided to return to an orchestral commission, but I found that my focus was also whacked from everything turning upside down. . Weirdly, as I struggled though those first few weeks, an old tune I had written decades ago began running though my mind. I didn't know why, but it didn't go away. Eventually I decided not to resist and laid down tracks, just for the simple pleasure. It's really almost like a nursery rhyme. Maybe under all that stress that's why it came back to me, and just the act of recording it was really calming for my brain. . I decided finally to share it with everyone. It's silly and simple. Playing everything and singing live to my backing tracks. This thing is funky! This is NOT my new single or for a new album that I'm working on. Just a little something that was fun to record and relaxed me, and maybe it will do the same for you? Totally home-made! Daughter @malielfman shot it on her iPhone, and homie Jon Mann Krieger (my Danny and Buddy Show collaborator) edited it. Hope you like it! . #socialdistancing #lockdown #weekfour #isolation #dannyelfmansfriends #yukielfman #runningonatreadmill @noahscotsnyder

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