この投稿をInstagramで見る ISOLATION. A song by Joy Division. #songsofisolation #iancurtis #joydivision #songsfromisolation #covid_19 #selfisolation In fear every day, every evening, He calls her aloud from above, Carefully watched for a reason, Painstaking devotion and love, Surrendered to self preservation, From others who care for themselves. A blindness that touches perfection, But hurts just like anything else. Isolation, isolation, isolation. Bryan Adams(@bryanadams)がシェアした投稿 - 2020年 3月月22日午前11時49分PDT
ISOLATION. A song by Joy Division. #songsofisolation #iancurtis #joydivision #songsfromisolation #covid_19 #selfisolation In fear every day, every evening, He calls her aloud from above, Carefully watched for a reason, Painstaking devotion and love, Surrendered to self preservation, From others who care for themselves. A blindness that touches perfection, But hurts just like anything else. Isolation, isolation, isolation.
Bryan Adams(@bryanadams)がシェアした投稿 - 2020年 3月月22日午前11時49分PDT